Heidelberg Tango High-End Drumscanner
Heidelberg Tango High-End Drumscanner Not-New Vertical Drum-Scanner with Photomultiplier-Technology The Heidelberg Tango is specially designed for high-resolutionary scans. His scanarea is a acryl drum. The scanninig process takes place in a spira...

Heidelberg Tango High-End Trommelscanner
Heidelberg Tango High-End Trommelscanner Nicht-Neu Der Linotype-Hell Tango Scanner ist optimal geeignet für hochauflösende Scans. Seine Auflagefläche ist eine Glastrommel. Das Abtasten der Vorlagen erfolgt spiralförmig anhand eines optischen Syste...

Heidelberg Tango High-End Trommelscanner
Heidelberg Tango High-End Trommelscanner DEFEKT Nicht-Neu Fehlerbeschreibung: - Wasserschaden - Spindelmotor rutscht durch - Photomultiplier ROT defekt -Hauptantrieb fehlt (Ausbau 12.01.10) Der Linotype-Hell Tango Scanner ist optimal geeignet für...

Heidelberg Primescan D8200 + Silverfast + Apple PowerMac G5 + FireWire Adapter Bundle + Living Image Cert 12.2012
Heidelberg Primescan D8200 The large-size Primescan D in 8200 comes up in for all colour idioms and uses up to the format A2 +. By the big format he offers more in the capacity on which it often depends. Scope of supply: Heidelberg Primescan D820...

Heidelberg Primescan D 8200
Heidelberg Primescan D 8200 Not new The ultimate under the high-end drum scanners. The fully automatic drum moneychanger with one Magazine capacity of max. 4 drums guarantees the highest possible productiveness for colour uses and to the Redigitali...

Heidelberg Primescan D 8200 with PrimeStation D8200 Drumscanner FireWire SilverFast 48 Bit refurbished
Including PrimeStation D8200 Technical Specifications: Scanning System: - Type: Drum, point scanning with photomultiplier tubes - Image Sensor: Parallel recording of a single image point in RGB with 3 x photomultiplier - Aperture: Fully automatic a...
Manufacturer:Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Heidelberg Tango High-End Trommelscanner + NewColor 7000 Intel Xeon Siemens Workstation+ Mount + Drum + english documentation
Heidelberg Tango High-End Drum Scanner + NewColor 7000 Intel Xeon Siemens Workstation+ Mount + Drum + english documentation Non-New The Heidelberg Tango scanner is optimally suited for high-resolution scans. Its supporting surface is a glass drum. ...

Linotype-Hell Tango High-End Trommelscanner
Linotype-Hell Tango High-end drum scanners Non-new Of Linotype-Hell Tango scanner is ideally suited for high-resolution scans. Its contact surface is a glass drum. The scanning of the originals is effected by means of a spiral optical system. This...

Linotype-Hell Tango High-End Trommelcanner inkl. Silverfast for Tango
Linotype-Hell Tango High-end drum scanners Includes Silverfast for Tango Non-new Of Linotype-Hell Tango scanner is ideally suited for high-resolution scans. Its contact surface is a glass drum. The scanning of the originals is effected by means...

Linotype-Hell Tango High-End Trommelscanner
Linotype-Hell Tango High-End Trommelscanner Nicht-Neu Der Linotype-Hell Tango Scanner ist optimal geeignet für hochauflösende Scans. Seine Auflagefläche ist eine Glastrommel. Das Abtasten der Vorlagen erfolgt spiralförmig anhand eines optischen Sy...
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