Microbox Booky A2 book2net RGB A2 Scanner/Bookscanner
In addition to various books, archives, museums, and libraries are also responsible for the preservation and provision of photos, stained glass, or other types of transparent originals. Technical Specifications: Document size: max. 650 mm x 450 mm ...
Manufacturer:Microbox GmbH

Microbox Booky A2 book2net with Software - A2 Bookscanner
Neben den unterschiedlichsten Büchern sind Archive, Museen und Bibliotheken auch für die Bewahrung und Bereitstellung von Fotos,Glasmalereien oder andere Arten transparenter Originale verantwortlich. ...
Manufacturer:Microbox GmbH

Microbox Booky A2 USB book2net RGB A2 Scanner/Bookscanner with Software and Light
In addition to the various Books are archives, museums and Libraries for the preservation and Provision of photographs, stained glass or other types of transparent originals responsible. Technical Specifications: Original Size: Max. 650 mm x 450 mm...
Manufacturer:Microbox GmbH

Infosys Vega A2 Flachbettscanner mit SCSI Schnittstelle und Software für Windows NT
Nicht Neu Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee in the legal sense. We explicitly sta...

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