PC Miditower 3000MHz Intel Pentium Dual Core - 6 x DVI
PC Mid Tower PC 3GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core Non-New Included: Midi Tower PC graphics system with an Intel Pentium (Dual Core) 3 GHz 2x DDR2 667MHz ECC CL5 DIMM 1GB € 50 approx 160 GB SATA HDD DVD-RW/CD-RW, 6x USB (2 of them at the front) NWK onb...
Intel (R) Pro/1000 GT Quad Port
Intel (R) Pro/1000 GT Quad Port Not-New according to our terms of service (AGB) Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not...
Tower-Server - 2x3,06GHz Intel XEON - 2GB RAM
2x Intel XEON CPU 3,06GHz 2GB RAM RAID-Controller SRCU42X 5x Fujitsu MAP3367NC SCSI HDD NEC DVD Laufwerk FreeDOS installiert Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general ...
2x Intel Xeon Processor E5506 2.13GHz - Matched Pair
Intel Xeon Processor E5506 2.13GHz Matched Pair Now-New 2x Intel Xeon Processor E5506 2.13GHzFreq.: 2.13 GHz Core: 1.6V OPI: 4.8 GT/s Socket: LGA 1366 Cache 4MB Max. Memory: 800 MHz Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any pote...
Intel Pentium IV CPU
Intel Pentium IV CPU Not-New according to our terms of service (AGB) Technical Specifications CPU-Clock: 2,8 Ghz (2800 Mhz) Cache : 1MB Lvl 2 Hyperthreading : yes, supported Busfrequency : 800 Mhz Sockel : LGA 775 Supported Memorytype : ...
Intel Celeron 420 CPU
Intel Celeron 420 CPU Not-New according to our terms of service (AGB) Technical Specifications Intel Celeron 420 CPU CPU-Clock: 2,8 Ghz (2800 Mhz) Cache : 1MB Lvl 2 Hyperthreading : not, supported Busfrequency : 800 Mhz Sockel : LGA 775 ...
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