Resmed Astral 100 Gerät 1 IPPV lebenserhaltende Beatmung
Resmed Astral 100 Device 1 IPPV Life-Sustaining Ventilation Not new according to our terms and conditions Rental: You may also rent this article for a limited time. Please request an offer. This possibility exists only for companies with goo...
30 days rental Real Time PCR/qPCR test device for maximum 720 tests per day + centrifuge
30 days rental of a multichannel Real Time PCR or qPCR test device for a maximum of 720 tests per day + centrifuge Roche Switzerland Real Time PCR System - One run takes only 55 minutes for 30 tests with 1 positive sample and 1 negative sample, i....
6 months rental of multichannel real-time PCR or qPCR test device for a maximum of 720 tests per day + centrifuge
6 months rental of multichannel Real Time PCR or qPCR test device for a maximum of 720 tests per day + centrifuge Real Time PCR System manufactured in Switzerland. In front of this device our famous virologists have been photographed in the past. T...
Analytik Jena Real-Time Thermocycler PCR qTower³ touch Corona PCR Test Device with Touch Screen and Software - for Purchase or for rental
Analytik Jena Real-Time Thermocycler PCR qTower³ touch Silver sample block with gold coating , Fiber optic Shuttle-System with 8x scanners and colour modules for excitation and emission filters, High-sensitive PMT (Photo Multiplier Tube, 4 long-las...
Manufacturer:Analytik Jena
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