X-Rite DTP22
X-Rite DTP22 Not-New according to our terms of service (AGB) Das DTP22IGA ist ein preisgünstiges Spektralfotometer von X-Rite für den Grafikmarkt. Sie können es zusammen mit Windows® Programmen wie X-RiteColor Master und dem Auto-Tracking Spektr...

SERD Energiekosten-Messgeraet EKM 2000
SERD energy-Messgeraet EKM 2000 Non-new equipment: - High-quality housing in attractive Deisgn - With compact dimensions - Large LCD display - Easy operation with only 4 buttons Additional features: - Parental Control - 2 button cells (G13) for Da...

Ideal Industries Lantek 6 LAN Cable Certifier
Ideal Industries Lantek 6 LAN Cable Certifier Features: -Fully compliant with Category 6/ISO E draft standards -Full Category 6/ISO E AutoTest with graphs in approximately 25 seconds Tests Cat 7/ISO F limits up to 350 MHz -Advanced link adapter...

peak Stand Microskop
peak Standmikroskop Not-New 50x magnification Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty or guara...

Pentax Stand Microskope
Pentax Stand Microskop Not-New Magnification: 8x30 / 6,2° Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty ...

Fluke 8600AU Digital Multimeter
The Fluke 8600 A is a portable digital multimeter with a 4-1/2-stelligen display. His five functions include the measurement of current, voltage and resistance. Choosing the most suitable voltage or resistance range can also be done in auto range mod...

Fluke DSP4000
Fluke DSP4000 In the package contain: - DSP4000 Network tester - DSP4000 Remote Unit - 2 pieces of net part - 2 pieces of link adaptors DSP-LIA011 - 1 piece of channel adaptors DSP-LIA012 - 1 piece of channel / Trafficadapter - DSP calibrat...
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