361T Densitometrische Tischgerät
361T Densitometrische Tischgerät (Durchlicht) Nicht-Neu - Messfläche: 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm Standardblenden (0,5 mm optional). - Messung von negativen und positiven Rasterprozentbereichen. - Ermöglicht sowohl orthochromatische als auch UV-Dichtemessun...

Heidelberg Easycontrol - Repair of the Scanning Head
Heidelberg Easycontrol - Repair Eigenschaften • Schnelles halbautomatisches System für scannende Farb- und Dichtemessung an Druckaufträgen mit bis zu 6 Farben direkt an der Druckmaschine. • Auch für Spotmessung geeignet. • Wird fertig montiert auf ...

GretagMacbeth Densitometer Model D19C 47B/P including calibration card
GretagMacbeth Densitometer Model D19C 47B/P including calibration card Non-new Type: D19C 47 / B/P (Polfilter) CMYK Version! Recertified by Color-Magement.com GmbH in 03.2018 Reflecting densitometer for the measurement of printing The D19C uni...

DTP 70
DTP70 The new X-Rite Color Advanced ensembles enable precise, rapid and accurate color management and the creation of profiles for RGB, CMYK and multichannel output in up to eight colors. Developed for ICC profiling and calibration system provides p...

X-Rite IntelliTrax DP System - X-Rite (Tucanna/GMG) Press Optimizer
X-Rite IntelliTrax DP System - 40Zoll + X-Rite (GMG/Tucanna) Press Optimizer Not new - in sales order X-Rite IntelliTrax system with dynamic polarization filter Automated color measurement system for commercial sheetfed printing units properties:...

SpectroDens Basic
SpectroDens Basic Article Status : Not-New Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee in ...

Spectral densitometer Techkon SD 620
Spectral densitometer Techkon SD 620 Technical data: spectral measuring instrument with big display, ideally suitable for the measurement of special colours Measuring functions Density Density difference dot gain Surface cover Pressure co...

X-Rite PrintCheck and PressOptimizer with Intellitrax with Spectroeye or X-Rite 530 Option
X-Rite PrintCheck and PressOptimizer with Intellitrax with Spectroeye or X-Rite 530 Option With the X Rite solutions for the automatic pressure quality control and standardization printers and their customers should be able to pursue jobs of the ord...

Gretag Macbeth D19C 47B/P Densitometer Refurbished
Gretag Macbeth D19C 47B/P Refurbished Category: Measurement -> Remission-Densitometer Manufacturer: X-Rite+GretagMacbeth Not-New Product has been refurbished by the manufacturer Precision is a prerequisite. You expect accuracy and reliability. ...

Gretag Macbeth D19C 47B/P Densitometer Refurbished
Gretag Macbeth D19C 47B/P Refurbished Category: Measurement -> Remission-Densitometer Manufacturer: X-Rite+GretagMacbeth Not-New, Refurbished - Case is new - Firmware is new - Battery is new - Device is X-Rite labled Typ: D19C Articel-No.: 36....
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